Jessica a highly trained and dedicated Cosmetic Nurse Practitioner with over 12 years of facial rejuvenation experience. Cosmetic medicine for Jessica is exciting as much as challenging, and she is always presenting new approaches and thinking. For Jessica the essence of what she does is to promote positivity and vibrance in someone’s appearance that will contribute to greater self-confidence to embrace our own unique worlds.
Jessica is reminded each day that each person is an individual whose appearance is made up of genetic influences and lifestyle expression. The role as a Cosmetic Nurse Practitioner that Jessica has carved out is to capture that uniqueness and provide a positive mind frame that goes wow.
Finding immense fulfilment in restoring her client’s confidence where their appearance has held them back, she still loves the endless challenges of completely understanding people’s faces and applying just the right combination of artistry and technique to bring about a natural and refreshed appearance.
All appointments with Jessica Maggs are made through Keen On Beauty.
Friday 15th March
Friday 26th April
Friday 7th June
Friday 19th July
Friday 30th August
Friday 11th October
Friday 22nd November